Monday 27 October 2008

Skanky band t-shirts-height of cool?? We'll see Katie Perry in one next.

So today I was reading G2 like i always do on a Monday, when I stumbled across the fashion 'dilemmas'.

"I've recently noticed a lot of young women wearing T-shirts for bands that broke up years before they were born. What's that about?" Malcom Store.

And Hadley gives the answer that basically wearing manky "skanky band t shirts" are cool. Not only that  but "it doesn't matter what band-any will do".

Granted Hadley says all this somewhat tongue in cheek, so please don't think I'm laughing at her, (I actually really enjoy her quirky style)

But this whole thing brings me to my point-the things people will do to look cool.


Kate Moss is seen wearing a "skanky band t shirt" (she is particularly fond of THE CLASH), so everybody else goes mad over them....eugh (my friend Stuart donned a primal scream t today hehe-clearly he models himself on Moss)

MP's (notably Mandy and Osbourne) aspire to a lifestyle greater than they can afford hence cavorting around with oligarchs and getting themselves in sticky situations.

Idiots like Katie Perry. She is stupid enough to think posing with a knife will make her more popular, 'cooler' and help her appeal to a younger generation. After this backfires she then has the disgusting cheek to pull the same pose, but with a spoon. She is ridiculing all those people who have lost their lives to knife crime and basically saying "f*$% you" to everyone who criticised her for her insensitivity.

Be yourself

Nowadays, everyone wants to be cool and like someone else, what exactly is wrong with being yourself?

If you want to wear a skanky band t shirt do so-don't let me stop you.....

In fact i might go out in a Pussycatdolls t shirt this week! 

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