Saturday 4 October 2008

Do you wear a titsling, or do you buy a...bum bra????

Now I wasn't going to write about this but the fact that I literally cannot stop thinking about it suggests that I need to get it out of my system.

The Daily Mail on Thursday featured a new phenomenon-the Bum Bra.

It's called the 'Double O Thong' and is designed to give women, wait for it, a BIGGER behind! Already to me there is something wrong with that statement, having always shied away from clothes that make my derriere larger than it is- but there you have it.

Although according to the Mail it doesn't make your bum larger....just fuller..hmm whilst also flattening your stomach at the same time! Interesting.

This new pair of pants is said to give you a figure to rival Marilyn Monroe, although i seriously doubt that by wearing them you would feel even remotely as sexy and voluptuous.

These pants are....large. There is no other word for it. Granny pants with the kinky modification of being chap-less, like crotchless panties gone wrong. If these things became a global fad, then believe me, it would be an excellent form of birth control.

But according to Kate Faithful, they do actually work. Once covered up with clothes, this vile contraption turns you into 'Jessica Rabbit'. Somewhat hard to believe, but apparently true these pants make your butt 'higher, rounder, and smoother'.

This all sounds good, but women would still have to get over the hurdle of actually WEARING the things. And to be honest, I don't think I could get over the grossness of them, let alone the prospect of someone peeking them as they creep over the top of my low rise skinny jeans. Ewww.

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