Friday, 23 October 2009

Long Time no post

So I haven't written anything for the last...what - 7 months maybe? Mainly because the thing was no longer being assessed and I had other pieces of work to concentrate on, but also, well I just ran out of things to say, (well maybe not things to say but relevant things about journalism to say!)

AND when marked apparently I used to many exclamation points - so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha! !!!!!!!!! I'm clearly to dramatic for journalism :P

But I'm going to try and start keeping it up to date again - not because I have any profound words of wisdom - most definitely the opposite - but because I need a release.

So today I went with my auntie and visited my mums surgeon, we thought maybe a few more answers might make the grieving process a little easier. It didn't. In fact in many respects I feel terrible.

I always thought that knowing the truth about situations makes them easier to bear - but in this occasion - knowing that the Dr had never had a patient come through what my mum had really didn't help. Knowing that know one really knew how to treat what she had didn't really help. And knowing that maybe she knew just how serious her condition was without telling me really, really didn't help.

It just made me feel a whole lot worse.

On a positive note I completely love disney films - and anyone who doesn't is old! Sword in the Stone rocks my world!!!!

1 comment:

Mr. Nighttime said...

Nice to see you back here. What exactly happened with your mom?